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Monday, August 5, 2019

Get a Better Look at Your Data

written by Riley Bricco

Get a Better look at your data

Field Analyzer Beta, or FAB is a more advanced expansion of Field Analyzer and offers a much more in depth look at your data. Today, we will take a look at a scenario where FAB helped a grower like yourself make valuable insights which led to better decision making.

Bill is a local grower and dairy operator.  Bill likes to invest in the latest and greatest technology, so last spring, he bought some stacked corn silage varieties.  Bill hadn’t been using varieties with a lot of traits in the past.  He also knew there was a price difference of $30 per acre between the seed he had been planting, and the seed he wanted to try. To make sure he was getting the best bang for his buck, Bill decided to try mixing a field with both varieties and comparing the yield data after harvest.  Bill planted the field with his John Deere tractor and planter and sent the data to the MyJohnDeere Operations Center via Wireless Data Transfer.  Come fall, Bill harvested the silage from the field with his 8600 SPFH equipped with HarvestLab sensor and sent the data once again.  Once harvest was complete, Bill sat down in the office and went to work analyzing the data he had collected.  Bill opened up Field Analyzer and took a look at his test field.  He could look at his planting variety and harvest yield maps side by side but couldn’t see a clear pattern by looking at the maps.  Bill decided to click the bright yellow “Field Analyzer Beta” icon to the left of the map.  FAB allowed Bill to complete “Data Analysis” to break down his maps into hard numbers he could compare.  Bill analyzed his Harvest data against his variety seeding data for that spring and FAB spit out a clear insight into the decisions he had made.  The more expensive stacked variety had outperformed the less expensive variety by 2 tons, but the dry yield was exactly the same between the two.  The high-end variety had not dried down as well as the standard variety he usually used.  If Bill had just looked at a wet yield map in the original Field Analyzer, he would have thought that the new variety was outperforming the old one.  Field Analyzer Beta puts together all of the pertinent data and helps growers like Bill make valuable insights into their operations.

Ask your local Integrated Solutions Consultant how Field Analyzer Beta can help you make valuable insights using the field data you already collect.

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