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John Deere HarvestLab And Constituent Sensing

John Deere HarvestLab™ and Constituent Sensing

 Now, beef and dairy producers can determine corn silage nutrient quality to get the most out of their feed, and ultimately, increase production.

John Deere HarvestLab™ Constituent Sensing lets you determine the content of several quality parameters simultaneously in various crops and organic material. Using corn silage as an example, you can measure the content of:

  • Moisture/dry matter
  • Protein
  • Starch
  • NDF/ADF (Fiber)


HarvestLab uses Near Infrared Technology to determine the constituent characteristics. The device is mounted on John Deere Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters and has proven to be highly reliable under tough field conditions. Or, you can disconnect it from the SPFH and use it as a stationary unit to evaluate silage nutrient quality at feeding time.

This real-time nutrient analysis lets you quickly analyze feed rations for crude protein, fiber, and other factors, and make adjustments on a daily basis to improve nutrition and reduce feed variability.

HarvestLab also enables more precise application of silage inoculants at harvest time because rates can be adjusted according to crop sugar and dry matter readings. The result? Higher quality silage with greater feed value and less spoilage.


  • Measure organic material on-the-go, in the cab, or with a portable stationary unit
  • Help reduce the high cost of feed by maximizing nutrient potential
  • No in-field calibrations required
  • Immediate results … no bottlenecks at the lab


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