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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Moving Your Gen 4 Data to the Operations Center

written by Riley Bricco

Harvest has commenced and with harvest comes the collection of harvest data. Those of you collecting your harvest data on Generation 4 displays like the 4600 or 4640 may have a few questions about moving data from your display to the MyJohnDeere Operations Center. Data can be moved from a Gen 4 display to the Operations Center any one of three ways.  

  1. Wireless Data Transfer is the seamless and automatic streaming of data from the display to the Operations Center via JDLink. Every 30 second as you are harvesting, data is zipped into small file packets and sent to the Ops Center for processing. After a short while, your data will be available for viewing using tools like Field Analyzer or Agronomic Reports.  Wireless Data Transfer can be utilized with all Gen 4 displays when connected to a JDLink terminal with an active JDLink Connect subscription.
  2. Mobile Data Transfer utilizes a WiFi-enabled USB drive to transfer data from your Gen 4 display to your Ops Center account. After exporting your work data to the MDT device, connect your phone to the device via a WiFi connection and upload the data to your Ops Center using the cellular data plan on your phone. This process can be completed from the cab and does not require your computer.  Times may vary but you can expect your data to be available for viewing within 24 hours.
  3. A USB Drive can be used to move your data from your Gen 4 display to the Ops Center manually. Export data from the display to an inserted USB drive.   To upload your data to the Operations Center, you need to have “John Deere Software Manager” installed on your desktop.  If you do not have data manager installed, find the link for downloading in the Menu of the Operations Center.  Upon opening the tool, you will be prompted to select the inserted USB drive, Organization you wish to upload to, and what specific files you would like to upload.  Once the files you wish to upload are selected, press the Upload button in the bottom right. Your data will take some time to process but should be available in tools like Field Analyzer and MyOperations within 24 hours.

If you have questions about using Wireless Data Transfer, Mobile Data Transfer, or John Deere Software Manager, contact your IS Consultant or call our Precision Farming Hotline today at (920) 264-0332

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